1. HSSE Policy
  2. Traffic Laws Obeying Policy
  3. Night Time Ban on Driving Policy
  4. Speed Limit Policy
  5. Harsh Brake Policy
  6. Driver’s Work & Rest Hour Policy
  7. Journey Planing Policy
  8. Safe Parking & Wheel Chock Policy
  9. Accident/Incident Reporting Policy
  10. Driver Hiring/RecruitmentPolicy
  11. Drugs and Alcohol Policy
  12. Carring Unauthorised Person Policy
  13. No Smoking Policy
  14. Vehicle Maintenance & Work Permit Policy
  15. Use of Seat Belf Policy
  16. Personal Protective Equipments Policy
  17. Power to Stop the Work Policy
  18. Use of Mobile Phone During Work Policy
  19. Defensive Driving & Safe Distance Policy
  20. Employees Reward Policy
  21. Disciplinary Action Policy
  22. Product Theft Policy
  23. First Aid & EMI Policy
  24. PATROM Standard Policy
  25. Tyre’s Tread Policy
  26. Insurance Policy